Diferencia entre India y China

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India vs China

India or the Republic of India is a country in South Asia. The longest borders it shares are with Pakistan in the west and China in the north and northeast. It also shares borders with Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Myanmar. China or the People’s Republic of China is a country in East Asia. It shares its borders with India in the southwest, Mongolia and Russia in the north, North Korea in the northeast, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Pakistan in the west. The other neighbors are Nepal, Tibet, Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam.

India has a population of over 1.1 billion and an area of ​​1,269,219 square miles with a density of 344 per km. On the other hand, China has a population of more than 1,300 million with 3,705,407 square miles with a density of 138 per M2 .

India, which is a multicultural society, has more than 2000 ethnic groups and almost all the major religions of the world have followers in India, being the main religions Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Buddhists and Janis. The Chinese government officially recognizes 56 ethnic groups. The main religions in China are Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. Christians and Muslims also form the religious minority.

The Indus Valley civilization, which included India, Pakistan, etc. It goes back to the Bronze Age. After this time, several kingdoms and Hindu dynasties spread throughout the subcontinent. This was followed by the Mughal Period where the Muslim invaders raided the region and eventually settled in the area and later the British ruled India for almost 200 years. India finally gained independence in 1947, but was divided into 2 and, finally, 3 countries in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Chinese civilization, on the other hand, dates back to the Neolithic era. After prehistoric times, the region was ruled by several dynasties and by the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries a systematic method of government was developed in which the vast empire could be controlled effectively through a bureaucratic system by the emperor. The dynastic rule of 2000 years in China came to an end at the beginning of the 20th century when a parliament was constituted.

Modern India is a style of democratic government with all the parliament elected by the people for a term of 5 years. Elections are held at the national and state levels. China, on the other hand, has a communist government with power supported by the National People’s Congress. The representatives of the National Popular Assembly are elected through Indirect Elections.

India, which is still developing rapidly, makes extensive use of its resources related to power, infrastructure, health, poverty, etc. China, on the other hand, initiated important reforms driven by the market in 1978 and was able to quickly implement a communist state. . Now it is a highly industrialized country. These reforms experienced an unprecedented growth of almost 70 times in the economy.

Both Indian and Chinese cuisine are world famous and enjoyed in almost every country. Indian cuisine is mainly characterized by the abundant use of spices. The styles of cooking, however, vary according to the regions. The other distinctive feature of Indian cuisine is the practice of vegetarianism by a large part of the population. Chinese cuisine, on the other hand, can be divided into 8 traditions. Only a small fraction of the population is vegetarian.


1. India or the Republic of India is a country in South Asia, while China or the People’s Republic of China is a country in the eastern part of Asia.
2. India has a democratic form of government, while China is a communist state.
3. India is still a developing country struggling with infrastructure and basic problems, while China is a highly industrialized nation.

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