Diferencia entre ágil y Scrum

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Ágil y scrum son las dos prácticas o conceptos de gestión importantes relacionados con la gestión de proyectos y el desarrollo de software para las organizaciones o empresas.

¿Qué es ágil?

Agile es un enfoque para la gestión de proyectos o el desarrollo de software. En Agile, los requisitos y las soluciones evolucionan a través de las iteraciones y los esfuerzos de colaboración de los equipos y usuarios empresariales autoorganizados y multifuncionales. Agile acoge con satisfacción los requisitos cambiantes, incluso en las fases posteriores. Los clientes, los interesados ​​en el negocio y los desarrolladores trabajan juntos durante todo el proyecto. Los equipos ágiles ajustan su comportamiento de acuerdo con las cambiantes necesidades del proyecto.

Agile es una filosofía u orientación (Griffin). Ágil en general sirve como orientación para acercarse al trabajo del proyecto. La metodología ágil enfatiza la iteración del desarrollo y las pruebas en el Ciclo de vida del desarrollo de software (SDLC). Agile divide un producto o proyecto completo en versiones más pequeñas. En la metodología ágil, el desarrollo o las pruebas se llevan a cabo simultáneamente. Agile apoya el trabajo en equipo así como la comunicación directa.

¿Qué es Scrum?

Scrum is a framework for managing a project or software development. Scrum is one of the agile processes. Scrum focuses on providing commercial value to commercial users in the minimum time. The projects are divided into sprints that usually last from one to three weeks. Scrum has three main functions, namely, scrum master, product owner and team members.

Scrum emphasizes self-organization and shared ownership among team members. Considers project management as a process of creating shared value; and emphasizes collaborative work and iterative development to efficiently manage changes and create better products to meet customer needs. Scrum considers time as a limiting constraint. Emphasizes boxing time and uses daily planning meetings and sprint reviews.

Similarities between Agile and Scrum:

Agile and scrum, both are related to project management and software development. As Scrum is one of the ways to implement Agile, both have several similarities. Both emphasize the optimal use of resources. Both emphasize the management of various tasks effectively and efficiently.

Agile and scrum, both aim to deliver the maximum value to commercial users. They try to guarantee the delivery of the product or project to the commercial users during the minimum possible time. Both emphasize continuous improvement, collaboration, open communication, etc.

Differences between Agile and Scrum:

  • Nature of Agile and Scrum:

Agile is the development methodology and is based on an incremental and iterative approach; while Scrum is one of the many implementation frameworks or agile methodology processes.

Scrum provides the incremental modules to the client every week or fortnight.

  • Scope of Agile and Scrum:

Agile is the philosophy, while Scrum is the process to implement the Agile philosophy. Agile is the general term that also includes other processes such as Kanban, Extreme Programming, etc. Scrum has a limited scope, since it is one of several frameworks to implement the Agile methodology. Therefore, Scrum is agile; but Agile is simply not Scrum.

  • Agile and Scrum planning:

The agile methodology intends to deliver and update the software on a regular basis. In Scrum, the next sprint is planned after the team has completed the current sprint activities.

  • Design and execution for Agile and Scrum:

Agile emphasizes maintaining design and simple execution. Under Scrum, design and execution can be experimental and innovative.

  • Work environment involved in Agile and Scrum:

The agile methodology is very suitable for the stable environment that has a small and expert development team; while Scrum is suitable for projects where the work environment is dynamic or the requirement is changing rapidly.

  • Flexibility:

The key advantage of agile methodology is flexibility, since agile adapts to changes quickly; while Scrum has a somewhat rigid and structured approach or style.

  • Collaboration:

Agile emphasizes collaboration, as well as direct interactions or communications among team members; while Scrum achieves collaboration through daily meetings with well-defined roles for the scrum master, the business user and several team members.

  • Communication:

The agile methodology prioritizes direct communication and related techniques to achieve the various objectives. Scrum does not put too much emphasis on direct communication.

  • Organizational change:

Agile may require several organizational changes and many development processes at the beginning or before the start of the main project itself; while Scrum may not need many organizational changes in the implementation of the project.

  • Delivery of Agile and Scrum:

Agile involves frequent deliveries to commercial users to obtain their comments; while, Scrum delivers a compilation to customers to get their comments, after each sprint.

  • Delivery time:

Agile generally involves the delivery of the product after the addition of high value or in the advanced stage of development to the commercial users, and therefore, the delivery usually tends to be towards the end of the project. On the other hand, Scrum delivers a compilation to the clients after each sprint, providing the maximum commercial value from the beginning of the project and then continuing at all times.

  • Team management:

In the Agile methodology, the project manager manages several project tasks. But in Scrum, there is no project manager. Therefore, the entire team handles the various problems related to the project.

  • Type of leadership for Agile and Scrum

In the Agile methodology, project leadership plays a crucial role; while the Scrum process fosters a multifunctional and self-organized team. In some way, each team member is involved in the project.

  • Agile and Scrum monitoring:

Agile continuously monitors the stages of the software development life cycle, p. requirement, analysis, design, etc. On the other hand, Scrum provides demonstration of functionality at the end of each sprint to get regular feedback from business users before the next sprint.

  • Feedback:

Agile encourages periodic feedback during various processes by commercial users to make the final product more useful. Meanwhile, Scrum performs the sprint meeting daily to review and obtain feedback to determine the progress of the project in the future.

  • Priority:

Agile gives priority to satisfy business users by providing continuous delivery of the modules or software of the project. Scrum gives priority to empirical process control.

  • Measurement of progress:

The agile methodology considers the work software as the basic measure of progress. Scrum does not emphasize functioning software as a basic measure of progress.

Agile vs. Scrum:


Summary of Agile and Scrum

Agile y Scrum son importantes para la administración de proyectos y el desarrollo de software. Tanto Agile como Scrum siguen un enfoque sistemático para obtener los mejores resultados o resultados. Ambos apuntan a entregar el máximo valor a los usuarios comerciales a través del uso óptimo de los recursos. Ambos enfatizan los procesos iterativos, acomodando el cambio, la mejora continua, la colaboración, la comunicación abierta, etc. También se complementan entre sí en algunos aspectos.

Sin embargo, hay muchas diferencias entre Agile y Scrum. Agile es la filosofía, mientras que Scrum es el proceso para implementar la filosofía Agile. Scrum tiene un alcance limitado, ya que es uno de los diversos frameworks para implementar la metodología Agile. Agile se refiere a un conjunto de principios para desarrollar software a través del desarrollo iterativo. Scrum es un conjunto específico de reglas para practicar cuando se implementa el desarrollo de software Agile.


[0] Griffin, Joseph. “Agile vs. Scrum: una guía para el administrador de proyectos”. northeastern.edu. Northeastern University, 24 de julio de 2017. Web. 8 de febrero de 2018. <https://www.northeastern.edu/graduate/blog/agile-vs-scrum/>.

[1] “Desarrollo de software ágil”. Wikipedia.com. Wikipedia, n.d. Web. 8 de febrero de 2018..

[2] “Scrum (software development)”. Wikipedia.com. Wikipedia, nd Web. February 8, 2018 ..

[3] Image credit: https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2018/02/12/13/58/devops-3148393_960_720.png

[4] Image credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Scrum_diagram_(labelled).png#/media/File:Scrum_diagram_(labelled).png

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