Diferencia entre la arteria y la vena

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What is an artery and a vein?

Veins and arteries are the two types of blood vessels in a circulatory system of a body.


All blood vessels that start in the heart are arteries and transport blood from the heart to various organs of the body. The arteries are of 2 types; Pulmonary and systematic. The first transports impure (deoxygenated) blood from the heart to the lungs to purify it and the second forms a network of arteries that carry pure (oxygenated) blood from the heart to other parts of the body. Arterioles are additional extensions or branches of the (main) artery that help transport blood to small or tiny parts of the body.

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The vessels that carry blood from various organs to the heart are known as veins. The veins are also of 2 types; Pulmonary and systematic. The first transports pure (oxygenated) blood from the lungs to the heart and the latter drains the tissues of the body and supplies impure (deoxygenated) blood to the heart. The pulmonary and systemic veins can be superficial or settled inside the body.

Figure 1. Structure of an artery and a vein. Red indicates oxygenated blood, blue indicates deoxygenated

Difference between an artery and a vein

  1. Structure


The arteries are thick and have 3 layers of muscles and elastin. The three layers in an artery are the tunica adventitia or the outer tunic; the tunic half and the tunic intimate. An artery has no valves, except the semilunar valves at the base of the aorta and the pulmonary artery. The light in the arteries is narrow.

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The veins have thin walls with few elastic fibers. A vein also consists of three layers like an artery. The valves are present in a vein and the light is wider.

  1. Location


Since the arteries are vital for the flow of blood to the body, they are located more deeply in the body, closer to the skin and, therefore, remain protected by the tissues of the skin.

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The veins are located near the surface of the skin and are at a distance from the corresponding artery.

  1. Roads


Fair, clear and distinct

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Convergent and difficult to follow interconnections. The connections show irregular networks.

  1. Supply / drainage


The supply can be predicted in the arteries.

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Similar to arteries, exception; Dural sinuses and hepatic portal circulatory system.

  1. Color of blood


The blood in the arteries is the oxygenated blood in the circulatory system usually present in the left chambers of the heart and the pulmonary veins.

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The color of the veins is due to hemoglobin, to which oxygen binds. Deoxygenated blood is dark in color due to the color difference between deoxyhemoglobin and oxyhemoglobin. The blue impression of the superficial veins is triggered by the blue light scattered from the outer side of the venous tissues if the vein has a depth of 0.5 mm. The color of the blood in the veins looks purple through the translucent skin.

  1. Pulsation


The pulsation is present in the arteries with each beat of the heart.

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The pulsation is absent in the veins.

  1. Function


Las arterias forman la base del sistema circulatorio y su función principal es transportar oxígeno y elementos nutricionales por medio de la sangre a todas las células del cuerpo. Las arterias también eliminan el CO2 y otros elementos de desecho, favorecen el equilibrio químico, el movimiento de las proteínas, las células y otras sustancias del sistema inmune.


Las venas son responsables de llevar la sangre desoxigenada desde los tejidos hasta el corazón. Las venas excepcionales son las venas pulmonares y las venas umbilicales.

  1. Entrega


La sangre se bombea a la aorta


La sangre fluye de regreso a través del seno coronario y la vena carva interna.

  1. Movimiento de sangre


Movimiento repentino de sangre con pulso.


Movimiento lento de sangre.

  1. Paredes


Las paredes arteriales son rígidas.


Las venas poseen paredes plegables

  1. Tipos


Arterias pulmonares y sistémicas


Venas pulmonares, venas sistémicas, venas superficiales y venas profundas.

  1. Enfermedad


Arterogénesis: isquemia miocárdica


Trombosis venosa profunda

Resumen de arteria y vena

Los puntos de diferencia entre una arteria y una vena se han resumido a continuación:

Tabla de comparación


[0] Crédito de la imagen: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/35/Artery.svg/612px-Artery.svg.png

[1] Crédito de la imagen: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/32/Vein.svg/500px-Vein.svg.png

[2] Vrancken Peeters, M. P. F., Gittenberger-de Groot, A. C., Mentink, M. M., Hungerford, J. E., Little, C. D., y Poelmann, R. E. (1997). Diferencias en el desarrollo de arterias y venas coronarias. Investigación cardiovascular, 36 (1), 101-110.

[3] Wong, AP, Nili, N., and Strauss, BH (2005). In vitro differences between smooth muscle cells derived from arteries and veins: possible modulator function of decorin. Cardiovascular research, 65 (3), 702-710.

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